Infrastructure Penetration Testing is a critical aspect of any organization’s security strategy. In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about Infrastructure Penetration Testing, including the different types of attacks and technologies used, as well as best practices for conducting a successful penetration test.

Today I am writing about Infrastructure Penetration Testing attack methodology simulating a real-world Red Team remote engagement on a corporate network.

Remember to always follow the rules of engagement!

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Infrastructure Penetration Testing is a process of testing the security of an organization’s network infrastructure, servers, and other connected devices. The purpose of Infrastructure Penetration Testing is to identify vulnerabilities that attackers can exploit to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data or systems. The process involves simulating real-world cyber attacks to evaluate an organization’s security posture.

I will continue keeping update this article and add more topics and techniques.


  • Enumerate all relevant public information about the client
  • Enumerate all public network infrastructure
  • Analyze the data and match possible usernames, emails, and phones numbers
  • Public Leaks with possible passwords

Types of attacks

  1. Network Scanning: This involves scanning the target network to identify open ports, services, and vulnerabilities that can be exploited.
  2. Brute-Force Attacks: These attacks involve trying multiple login credentials to gain access to a system or device.
  3. Password Cracking: This involves attempting to guess or crack passwords to gain access to a system or device.
  4. Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks: These attacks involve overwhelming a target system with traffic to make it unavailable to legitimate users.
  5. Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) Attacks: These attacks involve intercepting and altering data being transmitted between two parties.

Technologies used

  1. Vulnerability Scanners: These are automated tools used to scan for vulnerabilities in network infrastructure, servers, and applications.
  2. Port Scanners: These are tools used to identify open ports and services running on a target system.
  3. Exploitation Frameworks: These are tools that can be used to exploit known vulnerabilities in a target system.
  4. Password Crackers: These are tools used to crack passwords to gain access to a system or device.

Penetration Testing tools

  1. Metasploit Framework: This is a popular exploitation framework used for identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities in a target system.
  2. Nmap: This is a powerful port scanner that can identify open ports and services on a target system.
  3. Burp Suite: This is a comprehensive web application testing tool that can be used for Infrastructure Penetration Testing as well.
  4. Aircrack-ng: This is a suite of tools used for wireless network security testing.

Best practices

  1. Conduct a thorough reconnaissance of the target network and identify potential vulnerabilities before starting the penetration test.
  2. Always obtain permission and written authorization before conducting a penetration test.
  3. Test during off-hours or during a pre-determined maintenance window to avoid disrupting production systems.
  4. Document all findings and provide detailed reports that outline any vulnerabilities and recommendations for remediation.

Infrastructure Penetration Testing is an essential aspect of any organization’s security strategy. By using the right tools and techniques, organizations can identify and remediate vulnerabilities before attackers can exploit them. It is crucial to follow best practices and obtain permission before conducting a penetration test to avoid legal and ethical issues.


I will divide the reconnaissance phase into two parts, company information and infrastructure information ( Juice 😀 ).

Public information about the company like org charts can help us map all departments inside the company usually these departments are mapped to Active Directory groups and public emails are great as an entry point into the infrastructure. Why?

Usually, public company emails are the first communication channels with their clients and are used by different people inside the company which leads to having a weak password. Imagine the if the email [email protected] used on a public website to interact with company clients is integrated inside the Active Directory from the company. Ok, let’s move on…

Enumerating Company Data

Enumerating Infrastructure Data

Big corporate networks have their own Autonomous system